Located in Kakunodate, Denshiro has been providing high quality Cherry Barkware for 7 generations. Through their adaptability, they have succeeded in preserving the Cherry Bark craft with designs that appeal both to traditional and modern lifestyles. These one-of-a-kind crafts are unique to Kakunodate and cannot be found anywhere else in the country.

Cherry Barkware

Denshiro’s story begins in 1851 as a cherry barkware wholesaler. Due to the abundance of cherry blossom trees in Kakunodate, an estimated 200 lower class samurai turned to the Kabazaiku craft during the Edo period. At present, only 50 Cherry Bark crafters remain. As crafters became more scarce, Denshiro began making their own Kabazaiku-ware collections. Today, they are committed to creating designs that are more adapted to contemporary homes, all the while staying faithful to the traditional techniques of the craft.