Use & Care Instructions

Our items are carefully crafted using traditional techniques and natural materials. To preserve their beauty and functionality, please follow these care guidelines. With proper care, they will age gracefully and last for years to come. If you have any further questions, please contact us.

-Hand wash with a soft sponge and neutral detergent. 

-After washing, dry the item in a well-ventilated area. 

-The appearance of the base, which has been treated with black lacquer, will change naturally with use. We hope you enjoy this evolving character over time.

-Hand wash recommended


-Hand wash recommended

-Hand wash recommended

-Hand wash recommended

-The leather is left uncoated to maintain its natural texture. Water can cause stains, fading, color transfer, or deformation.

-For regular care, wipe with a dry cloth or brush. If the leather feels dry, apply a small amount of beeswax with a cloth, spread it evenly, and then wipe off. This helps with water resistance.

-If stains occur from rain, gently wipe with a damp, well-wrung cloth and let air dry in the shade. Avoid direct sunlight, irons, or hairdryers.

-Clean stains and store in a cool, well-ventilated place away from sunlight.

-For long-lasting color, hand wash in cold or lukewarm water and hang dry away from direct sunlight. 

[Copper Vase: Patina Finish]

-A light coat of beeswax is applied to the patina surface. If it gets wet, gently wipe off any water droplets without rubbing the surface.

[Hand-hammered Copper Kettle]

-Do not heat the kettle when it is empty. 

-After use, wash and dry thoroughly. 

-The handle may become hot during use. 

-Avoid filling the kettle to the brim with water. If the inner tin lining gets scratched or peels off, please have it repaired. 

-Clean and polish with baking soda or a gentle abrasive to restore its shine. Enjoy the deepening color and character of the copper as it ages.


-Avoid cutting bones, frozen, or partially-thawed items, as this may risk damaging the blade. 

-Do not use a dishwasher or drying machine, as it can cause the handle to crack. 

-After cleaning, thoroughly dry both the handle and the blade with a cloth. 

-If rust appears, apply baking soda to the blade and clean it with steel wool or a sponge. The rust is not harmful and can even serve as an iron supplement, helping to prevent iron deficiency and anemia. 

-It is recommended to sharpen the knife every 1-2 years with regular use. If the blade becomes dull or damaged, Yashima Iron offers repair and sharpening services. Please contact Oshinsha for assistance.

-Hand wash recommended
-Not Microwave-safe

Yanagiya Reproduct masks are handmade with washi paper. Handle with care and avoid exposing them to any strong impacts, direct sunlight, and environments with excessive moisture.